Dear Tayumi,
Thanks for your e-mail. Thanks for coming to Fr Nissel's funeral mass.
I could only speak to Mr Kasamatsu briefly after the funeral. Give him my regards. I am attaching a copy of the text of the funeral eulogy for Fr Nissel. I'm grateful to you for putting it on your HP.
Gerard Barry
I will speak in English for several reasons. First, Fr Doyle suggested that I do so. Second, a majority of those gathered here are graduates of the English Language Department, all former students of Fr Nissel, and because of his efforts you have mastered English. And finally, it makes my task much easier.
Fr John Nissel was born on Oct 18,
1925, his mother, born Helen Sullivan, was of Irish
descent, his father, John Nissel, was of German descent.
He went to parochial schools in Baltimore, St Benedict’s
grade school and then on Loyola Jesuit High School.
Upon graduation from Loyola HS he entered the Jesuit
Novitiate at Wernersville, PA on 14 Aug, 1943. From
Wernersville he moved to Woodstock College where
he studied Philosophy from 1947 to 1950.
In September 1950 he came to Japan and studied Japanese at Taura, Yokosuka, until July 1953. Then he returned to Woodstock again and studied Theology there until 1957. He was ordained priest on 17 June, 1956, at Woodstock. His last year of formation, tertianship, was spent at Auriesville, New York. From there he moved to Georgetown U where he earned a graduate degree in Linguistics. He returned to Japan in September 1959 and started teaching English Language in the newly established Faculty of Foreign Languages. He taught there for 32 years, until his retirement from Sophia U in 1992. During this period he held various positions in the University, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages from 1967-1970, Dean of the International Division from 1971. In 1975 he taught English at the newly founded Sophia Junior College.
On retirement from Sophia he moved to Kagoshima, where he taught English language and literature at Kagoshima Junshin Junior College from 1992-2001. Then he moved to Rokko Catholic Church for pastoral work for a year. He returned to the SJ House in April 2002. Last year, 2008, he moved to Loyola House on November 11th.
to be continued