From 1953 until 1956 he returned to Woodstock College to study Theology. During this time family members were permitted to visit Woodstock once a month. Uncle Jack’s mother would frequently take a chocolate cake to her son during these visits. Again, here is an indication of a ‘tread’, namely the love for sweets, that weaves its way through Uncle Jack’s life.
Uncle Jack was ordained to the priesthood on June 17th, 1956 at Woodstock.
Following ordination, he spent the year 1957 at the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs located in Auriesville, New York, not too far from Albany. This is the location where several Jesuits missionaries, including St. Isaac Jogues were martyred in the 1640s while ministering to Native Americans in the wilderness and it is the birthplace of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. Uncle Jack assisted at the shrine and at local parishes. This year after ordination was the final year in a 13 to 14 year long formation program of becoming a Jesuit priest. At this time, Uncle Jack was 32 years old.
In 1958 he attended the Foreign Service School located at Georgetown University and earned a degree in linguistics.
At this time, in the year 1959 during a public mass here in this Church of St. Agnes, before the high altar, the Maryland Provincial of the Jesuits presented Uncle Jack with a mandate (or assignment) to return to Japan to begin permanent ministry at Sophia University. The gospel reading at that departure ceremony was the same gospel reading proclaimed at today’s mass.
In the year 1959 Uncle Jack returned to Japan where be began a teaching career in the English Language Department at Sophia University. During the 32 years that he taught at Sophia, he touched the lives of many people and his former students went-on to serve in many capacities in Japan and other countries, including within the United States.
As a professor, he was head of the English Language Dept. or Dean of the International School. Often modern-day disciples of Christ find themselves attending and ministering in many meetings, serving on various committees, and planning programs, lectures, and correcting school papers. It was in this apostolate of education that Uncle Jack lived-out his life in service to others.
His fellow Jesuit priests and brothers who also live in the Sophia University SJ House are men of like mind and heart who come from countries all over the world.